Monday, February 8, 2010

How To Check Prolapsed Uterus Do Vaginal Walls Go Around Your Cervix?

Do vaginal walls go around your cervix? - how to check prolapsed uterus

I looked at my days and I noticed something "not sure if there is something serious or not. I am and I can feel my neck, about half of the index finger and is located just left (Whether you are looking down), then I can put my finger down his throat in the past, my vagina. "Is this how you like? I'm afraid you can have a prolapsed uterus, but not "sure I had a prolapse of the uterus would be able to feel my vagina at all, I do not want to mislead anyone, I have not put my finger down his throat. I feel as my neck, the small hole, and then when I was still going on in my vagina and appears on my neck begins to expand. I have my time and I'm not sure if it because I know that the cervix a little drop, but I thought that the neck is inserted into the vagina, making it the most I'll be with my finger.


S. Mommy said...

The cervix is usually higher than in the time and is therefore not unreasonable to be in a position sought. This may not feel the cervix.

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